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Skydive Palm Beach Posted by: Skydive Palm Beach 4 weeks ago

Ever wondered, “What does skydiving freefall feel like?” You are not alone. Many first-time jumpers are curious about the sensory overload and emotions that come with leaping from a perfectly good airplane. Whether you’re looking for the adrenaline rush of a lifetime, wanting to overcome a fear, or just looking for a transformative experience, a tandem freefall skydive is the best way to intrigue your entire being – body, mind, and spirit! So, how does it feel to tandem skydive? Here’s our best description of the indescribable experience of skydiving to help you prepare for when it is your turn!

What is Freefall?

Freefall is the part of a skydive that occurs right after you exit the plane and before the parachute is deployed. It is a series of heart-pounding moments where you are free-falling through the skies at speeds around 120 mph. The rush of wind, the feeling of weightlessness, and the breathtaking views hit you all at once. In these precious 30 to 60 seconds of pure bliss, nothing else matters in the world.

male tandem skydiving pair during freefall

What is the Sensation of Freefall? 

As soon as you leave the airplane, you’re immediately engulfed by the triumphant roar of the wind. For many, the initial seconds of freefall are both shocking and exhilarating, but once you adjust to your terminal velocity’s speed and intensity, a unique sense of calm often sets in. Most tandem jumpers agree that (ironically) as soon you exit the plane, all of your fears and anxiety completely disappear. 

In this sensory explosion, you won’t be able to hear anything but the powerful wind rushing around your entire body, you’ll feel like you’re laying on a bed of air, floating above a mind-blowing, unobstructed view of the beautiful Earth below you – you can just taste the freedom!

The Adrenaline Rush

One of the biggest draws of a tandem skydive is the rush of adrenaline. From the moment you book your tandem skydive, arrive at the dropzone, and throughout your entire skydiving experience, your heart will be racing with excitement and nervousness. This is totally normal as your body goes into “fight-or-flight” mode – this is good! This is what you want to happen because as soon as you exit the airplane, you’ll experience a huge rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. Adrenaline is used to help your body deal with the experience by heightening every sense and making you feel superhuman! 

Freefall taps into primal instincts, triggering a mixture of adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine – making the experience even more intense than it already is. This feeling can stay with you long after the jump is over, which can inspire you in many other ways. It’s a powerful combination – an intense feeling of freedom and vulnerability that you rarely encounter in everyday life.

The Perception of Time

This is where things get a little strange, in the best way possible. Time in freefall seems to bend and stretch. While the typical freefall lasts anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds (depending on altitude), it often feels much longer. Your brain works in overdrive to try and process the intensity of the experience, and as a result, time seems to slowwww down. It’s a surreal feeling, where a single minute in the air feels like an extended moment of pure clarity and focus.

The Transition to Canopy

Once the parachute opens, the transition from freefall to canopy flight is quick and drastically different. Believe it or not, most first-timers describe the parachute ride as “peaceful.” The roar of the wind instantly quiets, and you’re left floating harmoniously above the world. It’s the perfect contrast to the intensity of freefall – a moment of tranquility that gives you time to reflect on what you just experienced. The afterglow of freefall often lingers, as you glide gently toward the Earth, taking in the beauty of the sky and landscape.

Tandem skydiving student sticks out tongue during freefall

The Emotional Experience

While skydiving is very much a physical experience that jolts your senses, it can be quite – if not more of – an emotional one. Some people feel intense fear before the jump, while others are simply excited. However, once you’re in freefall, fear usually transforms into pure exhilaration, freedom, and joy. By the time the parachute deploys, you’re left with a huge sense of relief, a new outlook on life, and a righteous confidence boost. You did it! 

Skydiving challenges you to confront your fears and challenge your mental strength, and the emotional release that comes afterward can be pretty powerful. Some first-time tandem skydivers are even moved to tears after the jump as the emotions flood out of them. If this happens to you, embrace the release and have your moment. We urge you to experience all of your emotions while on your jump – we’ve all been there. Let it out! It’s an experience that many say changes them for the better, leaving them eager for more.

Now that you know what to expect when you go skydiving in tandem, it’s time to experience the sensations for yourself! Book your tandem skydive today with Skydive Palm Beach. Blue skies!

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